As I spend most of my time at school, I think it to be a good place to start. School here in France starts at 7:55am and ends at 4:40pm. When I first saw this I immediately thought, YIKES! That's an awful lot of school. But in all honesty, it isn't that bad. Considering we get a 1 1/2 hour lunch break and that classes only last 1 hour, the time goes by faster then you would think (although there are some exceptions, hence the reason I didn't use the word "quickly"). For example, french class:
A typical Monday morning french class:
10am: Class "starts."
10:05am: teacher (Mme Bouti) preaches her beliefs about how cod is a universel fish.
10:15am: teacher expresses her opinion on the strong relation between cod and the nuclear crisis in Japan.
10:25am: teacher tells us what a great man Cyrano de Bergerac was (my classmates and I believe she has a bit of a crush.)
10:30am: teacher explains what we are going to do in class today.
10:40am: Class actually starts.
Now mind you, the french teacher isn't mean, just a bit strange. There are plenty of great teachers here. I like how most of the teachers are very strict, a quiet class makes for an easy place to learn.
has arrived.
from Chez Nardone, a famous ice cream parlor. To start off we couldn't find the parlor, so I had to play the part
of the lost Canadian tourist and ask for directions, Christèle was too embarassed. But as you can see we found it
and got to enjoy a delicious ice cream on a hot day in the city.
hiking through the region of Beaujolais, known for it's wine and beautiful scenery.
ballon, ugh, I guess you would call them people. But to some it all up it was a great night with friends.
So I hope you all enjoyed having a look into life around Lyon. But it is getting late and I should probably head to bed. So until next time.
Cathryn :)
Cod? Who knew? Loved the blog and the pics kid. Can Christele come and visit too?